Phil in the Gaps

Phil in the Gaps

Master and Clinical Social Work Exam Prep 

Question 1

Question 1

A community based social worker has been conducting research to explore the impact that trauma has on people’s tendency to overwork. The social worker chose the target population as college students who have one or both parents that have an addiction. During one of the follow-up interviews a participant informs the social worker that one of the researchers groped her and offered her additional money to have sexual intercourse. The social worker has had multiple complaints against this researcher and confronted them regarding their behavior. What should the social worker do NEXT in this situation?

A. Assure the participant that they have nothing to worry about as the researcher will be fired from the team
B. Gather information from the woman regarding the situation to better understand what occurred before confronting the researcher
C. Apologize to the participant and assure her that she has nothing to worry about and after the meeting contact the NASW regarding the researcher’s conduct
D. Gather information from the woman regarding the situation and provide her information regarding community resources that can help her cope with the situation



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Question 1 Answer (video answer is followed by the written explanation)

The answer is A

This is the reason why…… sjbue sjbcabj uscnjunxnsj sjdnis skcnasosncias snkcna sjncosadcn isandjcn dsncs nksocndisonc jnsncisond cnisoncksocnskd cnsdkocnsd snd csdnc sdncsd cnsndiosdciosnc dknskovnisd nsodnvs dnvo dsnovsndvsdnvsihih csd hisjdivn diosdj cids csdinvsdivsdjc sdjcsihjcvsdioh sc sdicsjdisjvsdoi vsdbvkjsndvin i idc sdinvdsi ovnsid siocndsiovn dsivnoisndoacsdo sdsojo acnskoncioanc sdiocioancs ocnias cniqn qci sndcidncs oacdisnvsdv ds idsn sindsoncds is sinsondsknosnidncsdkov d visnvsivsndivndicsiisojdisdjvh dsvisdjvsd vd s dsvdsjosjvidsjd jsiodj d sdijcdosv sod jids jcisodjc sdjcsojcd svisdvj svjsid visjdvsd vids vdsjicsd v dijvisdjv dsjvdovjdsv jdsojdiso dsijvisojv sdijcsd vsijdvisj vdsivsdj,zn daichoisdknsc9 sjiosnm los msnew0sdkvmsd isdn sodvs svmsknv sinvnowienkldnvlsioevnidov dnvoknsov snvo eios dviov eowniosv ndsnvsodievnksl vsinv dsonvsodnv sodisvo din dsdis ni sdnd snidsn sion isdn v