YouTube Videos

Watch and learn from Phil. Check out our suggestions of where to start!

With over 50 videos published and more added every month the Phillip Luttrell YouTube channel is a wonderful resource. Learn with Phil  by working through questions and content to finding that extra bit of motivation to conquer your fears and doubts! 

Phil’s goal has always been to help as many people as possible to PASS. These free videos express the core of this philosophy to make passing possible for everyone, regardless of what program you can afford

Subscribe to see the latest videos as soon as they are released

Learn Content

Listen as Phil breaks down specific content areas covered in the exam. 

Practice Questions

Phil covers a variety of recall, application, and  reasoning practice test questions . Gain insight from listening to his approach to breaking the questions down. 

Stay Motivated

Listen for tons of helpful hints. Hear others share their experience and Phil answer questions about the entire process from prepping to taking the exam

Where to start?

Click on the YouTube logo above to be directed to Phillip Luttrell YouTube channel or click on any of the video links in the list below. Videos are ordered chronologically with the most recent videos at the top of each list. 

Content and Practice Questions